Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954

Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954

Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954


  • The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954, controls drug advertising in India.
  • Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954 prohibits ads claiming magical properties and makes such ads a cognizable offense.


  • Defines “magic remedy” as any talisman, mantra, amulet, or object claiming miraculous powers to cure diseases in humans or animals.
  • Includes devices claiming to influence the structure or function of organs in humans or animals.

Prohibited Advertisements

  • Inducing miscarriage or preventing conception in women.
  • Improving or maintaining sexual pleasure capacity.
  • Correcting menstrual disorders.
  • Curing, diagnosing, or preventing diseases or conditions in the included schedule.

Included Schedule Diseases

The originally included schedule contained a list of 54 diseases and conditions:

  1. Appendicitis
  2. Arteriosclerosis
  3. Blindness
  4. Blood poisoning
  5. Bright’s disease
  6. Cancer
  7. Cataract
  8. Deafness
  9. Diabetes
  10. Diseases and Disorders of Brain
  11. Diseases and Disorders of the Optical System
  12. Diseases and Disorders of the uterus
  13. Disorders of menstrual flow
  14. Disorders of the nervous system
  15. Disorders of the prostatic gland
  16. Dropsy
  17. Epilepsy
  18. Female diseases (in general)
  19. Fevers (in general)
  20. Fits
  21. Form and structure of the female bust
  22. Gallstones, kidney stones, and bladder stones
  23. Gangrene
  24. Glaucoma
  25. Goitre
  26. Heart diseases
  27. High/low blood pressure
  28. Hydrocele
  29. Hysteria
  30. Infantile paralysis
  31. Insanity
  32. Leprosy
  33. Leucoderma
  34. Lockjaw
  35. Locomotor ataxia
  36. Lupus
  37. Nervous debility
  38. Obesity
  39. Paralysis
  40. Plague
  41. Pleurisy
  42. Pneumonia
  43. Rheumatism
  44. Ruptures
  45. Sexual impotence
  46. Smallpox
  47. Stature of persons
  48. Sterility in women
  49. Trachoma
  50. Tuberculosis
  51. Tumors
  52. Typhoid fever
  53. Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract
  54. Venereal diseases include syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre, venereal granuloma, and lymph granuloma.

Amendments and Penalties

  • The schedule can be changed to include more diseases.
  • The maximum penalty is 6 months imprisonment with or without a fine on the first conviction, and up to a year on subsequent convictions.
  • Companies found guilty will have all members deemed guilty.

Criticism and Future Amendments

  • Law is rarely enforced, and products are freely available.
  • Law is considered outdated, with 14 diseases on the list now curable.
  • Proposed amendments raise questions about the status of traditional medicine systems like Yoga and Ayurveda.

Related Links:

Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)Important Amendments to Indian Constitution
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)10000 Genomes Project