When you even dream of clearing the UPSC exam, keep one thing in mind, this is not an exam that tolerates a half-hearted approach or an unplanned approach. So if you want to clear this exam and that too on your first attempt then, we have made a strategy for you to ace the upcoming UPSC 2025 exam. Broadly, 13 Months are left for UPSC Prelims 2025. In this strategy, we have divided these 13 months and have prepared a comprehensive strategy on how you should prepare.
Step I -Understanding Syllabus:
The most neglected part during the UPSC journey is that aspirants do not try to understand the requirements of the exam. So, to understand the requirement you need to go through the syllabus and see what is expected from you in this exam. It is preferred that preparation should be done topic-wise.
Step II -Selecting the right resources:
Do not start reading a book just because you saw someone else reading it. Always select your resources carefully and once you have selected, stick to them. The mantra is “minimum resources and maximum revision”.
Step III -Start with NCERT:
It is always good to take baby steps, so you should start by reading basic NCERT books. Completing important NCERT will require at least 2-3 months. But these NCERTs should be read thoroughly as they will act as a foundation stone for UPSC preparation.
Step IV -See previous year’s question papers:
Over the years, the UPSC has evolved itself and is now setting high standards for UPSC civil services Aspirants. So, you should go through the UPSC previous year’s questions to see for yourself – what is expected out of you and look for the topics that are asked repeatedly as they are considered the Holy topics and UPSC keeps asking them again & again.
Step V – Following standard books:
A list of standard books, which are to be followed during UPSC preparation has been prepared by us. You can follow that and be assured that you have chosen the right resources. It will take you around 8-9 months to cover these standard books and make notes from them.
Step VI – Covering Current Affairs:
The most daunting task, for any UPSC aspirant, is How to cover Current Affairs? and also to know what is NOT to be covered. So to cover Current Affairs Extensively you can follow our free YouTube classes for Newspaper every morning at 8 AM; where we cover all important news Topics and also discuss possible questions which could be asked in the Exam. Also, Launchpad IAS provides you with Monthly Newspaper Booklets, which will help you to align yourself with all that is going around in the world.
Step VII – Make your notes:
Always make your notes after two readings and this applies to any book that you read. These notes will help you during your revision phase as near the exam everything seems important and also aspirants have very little time at their disposal. In those times your handwritten notes come in handy.
Step VIII – Covering Optional Subject:
For UPSC Mains, you have to choose an Optional subject that covers 500 marks of UPSC Mains and will be an important factor and could make or break you. So select an Optional subject that you find interesting, but also ensure that the study material for that Optional subject is available in the market. You will require around 3 months to cover your Optional subject.
Step IX – Mock test series:
To prepare for your UPSC Prelims 2025 exam, focus on a good test series through which you will be able to test yourself and also analyze the areas that are weak and then put more effort into improving them. It will take you another 2-3 months to revise and test yourself. If you follow these smart tips for UPSC 2025 and keep doing the hard work. The world will be all yours to win. And remember Hard workers of today, will be champions of tomorrow.
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